Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well here's the newest picture of our little munchkins! Aren't they adorable! Treyson Aubrie keep me pretty busy these days. Though I'll have to admit it's at lot easier than it was when they were newborns. They'll be 8 months old soon. Aubrie sleeps all night. Treyson still likes a bottle around 2 a.m. At least I get more sleep now. Most days I barely get 1/2 hour to get myself ready for the day so I made the decision to cut my hair shorter than it's ever been. Anyways, the twins are now sitting up pretty good. Pretty soon I'll be chasing after them. They now say "Da Da" with excitement and "Ma Ma' when they are whining. Go figure!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009


So about a week before Christmas we were shocked with the news of Twins! We can't believe we are about to go from a family of 4 to a family of 6! We are having a girl and a boy. Dad's pretty excited about getting his first son. We are just happy that so far the babies are healthy and perfect. We can't wait for their arrival!

A Froggy Birthday!

Kambrie insisted on having her own Froggy Cake for her 3rd birthday. It was only my second time even making one of these fun cakes. She was thrilled! She's already 4 now a soon to be a big sister herself!

Two Little Princesses

This is one of my favorite pics I've taken of the girls. They celebrated Sydnie's last birthday by having a Princess Dress Up. It had a ball!

Dancing Star

Here's our little dancer. Sydnie loves to dance and play. She's growing up too fast and definetely has her own little personality. This is one of her earlier dance pictures.
Welcome to our blog spot! This is my first time as a blogger, but with the prompting of my sister I figure I'd give this a try. Bare with me as I try to put this page together!