Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well here's the newest picture of our little munchkins! Aren't they adorable! Treyson Aubrie keep me pretty busy these days. Though I'll have to admit it's at lot easier than it was when they were newborns. They'll be 8 months old soon. Aubrie sleeps all night. Treyson still likes a bottle around 2 a.m. At least I get more sleep now. Most days I barely get 1/2 hour to get myself ready for the day so I made the decision to cut my hair shorter than it's ever been. Anyways, the twins are now sitting up pretty good. Pretty soon I'll be chasing after them. They now say "Da Da" with excitement and "Ma Ma' when they are whining. Go figure!

1 comment:

Raquel Koehler said...

They are so adorable... I hope you post again before next year :0)